Real Life Church WA

About Us

Real Life Church began in the City of Gosnells in 1999 with a handful of passionate people. With few resources but confidence in the goodness of God, we managed to lease a shop as our first facility. A lot has happened and a lot of progress has been made since those early days. However, our passion and our values remain the same. Today we have our own facility in the heart of the City of Gosnells, opposite the Gosnells Train Station.

Real Life Church continues to be made up of incredible people who are passionate about God and his love for people. So, together we put effort into being a Church for the Community where people can come and get a hot meal or a hamper as well as encouragement and a prayer. We also look beyond our own community and support Christian workers who are spreading the love of God in other cultures and nations.

With that brief introduction about us at Real Life Church we want you to know that we are so glad that you are ‘checking us out’ through our website. We would be honoured to have you attend one of our services.

Statement of Faith


There is but one God, who is the maker of all things visible and invisible. 
Gen 1:1Psalm 86:9-10John 1:1-3.

We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Virgin birth, that He is the incarnation of God, true God of true God, for Whom and by Whom all things were created.
John 1:1-14John 14:9Isaiah 7:14Isaiah 9:6 . Matt 1:18-25.

The Holy Spirit, the third person in the Trinity, proceeds from the Father and the Son and is of one substance, majesty and glory, with the Father and the Son.
John 14:16-17John 15:26Matt 3:16I Thess 4:8Eph 4:30Acts 13:2-4.

We believe in the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures as the revelation of the mind and Will of God; on the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, we accept them in their original form as the Divine Word, which, when heaven and earth are passed away, shall yet endure.
2 Tim 3:16-172 Peter 1:19-21Matt 24:35John 5:39.

We believe in the personality of the devil, who by his influence and power, brought about the downfall of man, and now seeks to destroy the faith of every believer of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Gen 3:1-5Matt 4:1-11Luke 4:1-11James 4:71 Pet 5:8.

Through simply believing unto obedience in the atoning death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, we receive remission of all our sins and the gift of eternal life.
Rom 10:9-10Rom 5:1Rom 4:25Gal 3:8,11,24.

Immersion in water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, identifies us with our Lord Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection.
Matt 28:19-20Acts 10:28Rom 6:3-5Col 2:12Acts 8:35-39.

It is the glorious privilege of every believer in Christ to be made pure in heart and wholly sanctified through the operation of the Holy Spirit.
Jn 17:15-19I Thess 4:3-4Heb 2:11 I Thess 5:23-24Heb 10:10-16Rom 12:1-2.

The gift of the Holy Spirit is promised to all believers and is received by faith, subsequent to conversion, often with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
Jn 7:37-39Acts 1:4-5Acts 2:4Acts 8:15-19Acts 10:44-47Acts 19:1-7.
Gal 3:214Mark 16:17.

In accordance with the teachings of the Scriptures, we trust our Heavenly Father to protect and heal our bodies from sickness and disease. We believe that Divine Healing for the body was purchased for us by the atoning blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that by His wounds we were healed.
Exod 15:26Isaiah 53:4-5Matt 8:16-171 Peter 2:24Psalm 103:3-4.
James 5:14-16Mark 16:17-18.

In accordance with our Lord’s command, we partake of this Sacrament remembering His words, “Do this in remembrance of me.”
Luke 22:15-20Matt 26:21-28I Cor 11:23-26.

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